Announcing OpsCenter: A free and open native app for Snowflake cost mgmt.

Don't settle for 50%

Too many Snowflake credits are going to idle warehouses

Most organizations using Snowflake achieve less than 50% warehouse utilization. Sundeck helps you understand and fix that. The Sundeck query engineering platform will give you the tools you need to improve.


Redefine what you can do with Snowflake

With Sundeck, you can customize the behavior of Snowflake for each and every query. That includes deciding whether a query can execute, deciding to automatically route it to different warehouse, etc. You can even add new kinds of query and SQL constructs that automatically encapsulate common patterns.

Gain Finer Control

Sundeck enables you to classify each query by user, role, target warehouse or query shape. Then set rejection rules and quotas to avoid surprise costs or accidents.

Increase User Agility

Sundeck gives you complete control over how queries are interpreted & executed. Add new syntax to make common patterns faster & easier or reduce user mistakes.


Sundeck already works with your favorite tools

Sundeck is a natural extension to Snowflake. That means virtually any tool that works with Snowflake already supports working with Sundeck.

Get started

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In a few quick steps, you can start using Sundeck to enhance your Snowflake environment.
Get more productive today!

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